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Blog / Indoor Air Quality

Learning About Matching the Ventilation and Cooktop

Matching the ventilation and cooktop is an important consideration for IAQ

What Is Particulate Matter and Why Should I Be Concerned?

When talking about air quality, a term that has and continues to gain popularity is Particulate Matter

5 Ways to Improve Your Indoor Air Quality

Finding ways to improve your indoor air quality (IAQ) has become a hot topic.

Monitoring Indoor Air Quality

When dealing with viruses or something transmitted from person to person, monitoring the CO2 levels of a room can be very effective.

Do You Have a Fresh Air Strategy For Your Home?

Do you have a fresh air strategy for your home? Air King takes a look at some of the more popular solutions out there.

Indoor Air Quality Math

We bet you didn’t know Indoor Air Quality Math was a thing? Lets take a look at the number behind IAQ.

Top Energy Saving Investments

We are going to stop and take a look at some of the top energy saving investments you can make and put real numbers behind them.

Asking the right questions when buying a home

When buying a home there are the standard questions that are asked

Indoor Air Quality Products – What are the best options?

It seems like the entire world is talking about indoor air quality products…

Sick Building Syndrome Solutions

A term that is being used a lot more these days is Sick Building Syndrome or SBS. What is Sick Building Syndrome?

The Air Exchange is Now Open

While Indoor Air Quality is not a new concept, it is gaining a lot of attention and will have lasting positive effects moving forward.

Ventus – A Ventilation Story

When the typical person hears the word ventilation it can call to mind different pictures. For most it probably is thought of as a fairly new technology routed somewhere in the mind 1900’s.

The Air Exchange

On the surface air exchange is a fairly simple concept. Taking the air inside your home and replacing it (or exchanging it) with fresh outdoor air.

Saving Energy During a Pandemic

As working from home and schooling from home continues to be the norm, a side effect can be higher energy usage and bills.

What is a Net Zero Home

A trend in the building industry is towards Net Zero homes. The goal of a Net Zero home is to be able to provide all the energy needed for the home without using outside sources.

Sound Perception

We are constantly surrounded by sound. It is all around us. We also have ways to measure sounds. Some people might be familiar with the term Sones.

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